Just Want To Be The Best On Every Aspect in Life

Band Indo Tahun 1950 @ Belanda

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Gue baru aja dikasi tau tentang Tielman Brothers, band Indo-Belanda tahunn 1950an. Anggotanya ada Andy, Regghie, Ponthon, dan Loulou Tielman. Keren banget gan main musiknya, parrah...lo harus liat banget ni band, bahkan kata temen gw Band ini menginspirasi the Beatles!!! lo liat cara mereka maen bass, solo drum ma maen gitar!!! keren abiss dah...

ni videonya gan, sebagai makanan pembuka

Ps : jangan ketawa ngeliat muka2nya..jadul2 jawa..huahuahuahuaMySpace

nih pendapat orang barat


The Tielman Brothers were the first Dutch-Indonesian band that successfully went international in the 1950s. They were one of the pioneers of rock and roll in The Netherlands. The band was quite famous in Europe, long before The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. Their music was called Indorock, a fusion of Indonesian and Western music, and has roots in Kroncong.

Even the Beatles admired them and went to their Concerts.MySpace
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